Tuesday, August 5, 2008

URGENT prayer request

Jen, a friend of mine from Church, see blog at MarkHu, just called saying that she is in the hospital. She is a little more than 29 weeks pregnant with her second little girl and the doctors are worried about the baby's growth. Having already had a preemie two years ago, she has been on bed rest already for 4 weeks. Now the Dr's have decided that they need monitor her around the clock. She will be at Good Samaritan Hospital in LA until the baby is born. Her mom is in town for the next two weeks and she has plenty of reading materials and music, etc..


-Pray for the baby (affectionately called "Littlest B," that her growth would improve and her heart rate would remain strong
-Pray for Jen and her husband Mark, for strength and peace now and for wisdom in the coming days/weeks

I will be driving up on Thursday, God willing and will be happy to bring any words of encouragement.

Here is a prayer for a sick child that may be helpful:

For a Sick Child:

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who came into this world as a little child, and Who, though Very God, was subject to Your earthly parents: Look mercifully, we ask You, upon her, and in Your great love grant her relief from her pain. Yea, O Lord, Son of God: Send Your holy Angel from heaven to guard, cherish, protect, visit and defend this Your child, Baby Hudson, sick in her tender age. Stretch forth Your holy right hand upon her: that, restored to the vigor of health, she may attain to fullness of years, and serve You faithfully and gratefully all her life and become an heir of Your Kingdom. For You are the Physician of our souls and bodies, O Christ our God, and to You we send up glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.
Heavenly Father, watch with us, we pray, baby Hudson, for whom our prayers are offered and grant that she may be restored to that perfect health which it is Yours alone to give. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

1 comment:

Ma Torg said...

Thank you for the update. We will be praying.