A few cute stories:
1. My favorite times with Luke are right after his naps. He wakes up and begins making all sorts of noises- goos, gahs, ba-ba-bas, etc. When I come into his room, he is usually in the top left corner of his crib sucking on his blanket. He flashes a big smile when I come to get him.
Then we sit in the rocking chair for a bit and play with his feet and look out the window. Lately he has wanted to stand up as I rock- maybe he will be a surfer. :)
2. Luke loves his bath. He loves playing in the water, so much that Nathan has to hold him so that he doesn't dunk his head in. He especially loves when we squeeze water from the washcloth and will lift his hands and feet to feel it dribble down.
3. Our little guy loves peek-a-boo. He plays it with us even when we do not realize that we are playing. For instance, in my exercise routine, I do some sit ups. One day, Luke began to laugh each time I sat up.
Some pictures:
Luke you are desperately cute!
Happy 1/2 year birthday, little Luke. We can't wait to see him!
Katie, do you have the title of that book on mothers that you mentioned to me the other day?
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