Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our Loss, California's gain...

Today is a sad day. This morning we said goodbye to the Getz's (for one month), and this afternoon, we will say goodbye to Grandpa (probably for longer). For those of you in CA, you are lucky to have 5 great people coming today.

As I was driving home after taking the Getz's to the airport, I was reflecting on what it means to live somewhere. I live in Houston. I come from CA, and most of my family still lives there. Do I miss the golden state? Is it better to be in Houston? Really, it is pretty easy to answer these questions from a practical perspective. But, it is hard some days to think about being out here when so many that we love dearly are far away.... really hard...

Well, I will be grateful today for my wonderful husband and my beautiful little boy. That is an awful lot to be thankful for! And...I will begin looking at Southwest again to see how good the air fares are for my dad, and begin planning a great welcome home party for the Getz's.

1 comment:

Emily (Laundry and Lullabies) said...

Family is a big deal when you're considering moving. Gabe and I have thought and thought about where we'd go and if we'd move, and it is hard to come to any real conclusions! Obviously it would make great financial sense to move somewhere like Texas, but like you, our families are in CA. On the other hand, they're spread out across CA, which makes it tricky to actually be around them all that much!

Sometimes I wish we lived back in the days of villages when everyone lived in the same place forever. (But then I think that I wouldn't have met Gabe, and there goes that idea...) ;)