Sunday, October 10, 2010

Luke says

Some treasures that we hear from our dear little boy:

"Buna buna bo!" - this is what Luke says whenever grown ups are using words that he doesn't understand. Whenever I give him the phone to say, "hi" to someone, this is what he says.

"Moonana" - Lukes word for banana. He know how to say banana, but prefers moonana. Bananas are shaped like moons and are generally a similar color in most children's books.

"Thank you, thank you, dinosaur." - From a book that we read often. One day while I was talking out loud to myself, I said, "Thank you Lord." Luke looked at me sternly and said, "No, thank you dinosaur." I laughed. :)

"Lukey tukey." - How Luke refers to himself right now.

Other favorite phrases: "Der it is!" "Dat's better!" "Clara beara." "Owen has a fuzzy blanket!"

I'll try to write more sayings down as I remember them. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love to hear of Luke's sayings. What a little cutie pie! "Buna buna bo" is such a handy phrase. We all need that when words do not make sense!! mm