Friday, January 8, 2010

Needed: Child Development/ Children's Play Book Recommendations

Does anyone have any favorite books on the subject? I want to know more about what activities/play I should be doing with Luke right now and in the future. He seems to be wanting to learn more and more each day and I want to keep it interesting. I am kind of looking for either something comprehensive, or something that gives me particular ideas.


Mailleraye said...

Try They will email you an activity a day if you like.

Ma Torg said...

The Busy Book for Toddlers gives a lot of fun and simple activities. You probably already have most of the stuff required for the projects.

Unknown said...

I also like the Toddler's Busy Book by Trish Kuffner, Baby Days; Activities, ideas and games for enjoying life with a child under three by Barbara Rowley, and Brain Games for Babies Toddler and Twos by Jackie Silberg which has many beautiful photos that my girls love looking at.

Unknown said...

How about

Jen said...

I'm taking note of some of these rec's!

Hey, Jen Marie, may I look at your Silberg book sometime?